Blackjack House Advantage Calculator
Blackjack Running Count, True Count, and Player Advantage Simulator
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Blackjack House Advantage Calculator Cost
The following Excel spreadsheet simulates the dealing of 6 decks of cards at random. It graphs the running count, true count, and player advantage as the cards are dealt. When counting cards, you should make your minimum waiting bet when the player advantage is zero or negative. When the player advantage goes positive, you should bet a percentage of your bankroll equal to your player advantage, according to the Kelly Criterion.Blackjack Dealer Bust: Software to Calculate Probability, Odds, House Edge, Advantage HA. Keep this new figure in mind: The odds for a blackjack Dealer's bust are at least 33%. The bust probability is calculated by dividing the number of Dealer's busted hands to the total possible blackjack actions. Blackjack card counting software. Award winning casino practice software tools for beatable games: Blackjack card counting & shuffle tracking. The major aim in the construction of these tools is the accurate simulation of play in a casino. Blackjack House Edge Calculator So how does the house have an edge at all when players can see the dealer's face-up card to decide whether to hit or stand, since dealers typically must hit on 16. Blackjack house edge calculator This calculator returns the house edge and standard deviation per hand for the programmed set of blackjack rules. Select the default rules (the top bubble), if you are uncertain which rule is used in the blackjack game.
- If necessary, bring the two graphs into view using the scroll bar:
Running count / True count
Player advantage % - To deal another 6 decks and update the graphs, first click to select any cell (such as K4), then press the F9 key. Press F9 again for another 6 decks. If your device does not have an F9 key, reload the page.
- To see graphs for a single-deck or double-deck game, click the 'Single' or '2 decks' tab at the bottom of the window.
- If you accidentally modify a cell value or formula, you might ruin the graph. To fix it, reload the web page.
- Another way to deal 6 decks is to click the Refresh icon( )at the bottom of the spreadsheet window.
Instructional Videos
Running Count | True Count | Two Decks | Six Decks 3:2 6:5 |
Running Count / True Count Graph
The running count (grey graph line) keeps track of the number of high vs. low cards using the classic Hi-Lo count strategy, where cards 2-3-4-5-6 have a value of +1, cards 7-8-9 have a value of 0, and cards 10-J-Q-K-A have a value of -1. The count at the beginning is zero. The count at the end is also zero, because the numbers of low and high cards are balanced.As the cards are dealt, the count randomly varies between positive and negative values, depending on whether more low or high cards are dealt out. The graph is equally likely to be above or below zero.
The true count (blue graph line in top graph) is the running count divided by the number remaining decks to be dealt. This adjusts the running count to determine the true effect, fraction-wise, on the probability of dealing out high or low cards from the remaining decks. For this reason, I prefer to call this the 'true-effect count' or 'one-deck equivalent count.'
Player Advantage Graph
The player advantage graph shows your advantage as a percentage of your bet. For example, when your advantage is 1.00 percent and you make a $20 bet, your average win on that bet will be 20 cents. Not a huge advantage by any means! You have an advantage when the graph goes above zero, as indicated by the solid black horizontal line. The dashed horizontal purple line - - - - - - - represents the basic strategy player edge for a typical good 6-deck game, -0.6 percent. The player advantage graph is centered on the dashed purple line; it is equally likely to be above or below this line. Thus, you play at a disadvantage more than half the time.

You can place a bet only at the end of each round. At an uncrowded table, maybe 12 or so cards are dealt in each round, on average. Therefore, I've spaced the card number labels at the bottom at intervals of 12. These represent (approximately) the intervals at which you can place bets.
Cell N2 contains the basic strategy player advantage at the start of the game, -0.60 percent by default. For a game that pays only 6:5 on blackjack, the player advantage is worse by 1.4 percent. To see the effect of a 6:5 payoff, enter
Blackjack House Advantage Calculator
-2.00 into cell N2.Blackjack House Advantage Calculator Loan Payment
Player Advantage Pie Chart
The pie chart shows the relative amounts of time that you play at an advantage, at a disadvantage, and even with the casino. A player edge between -0.25 and +0.25 percent is considered Blackjack House Advantage Calculator Payment
even. The pie chart applies only to the part of the graph before the shuffle.For More Information
For more about card counting, see Does Card Counting Really Work? (web page or YouTube video)Blackjack House Advantage Calculator Price

Or see the whole YouTube playlist 'Easy basic strategy, house edge, and card counting'

For another good introduction to card counting, see The Wizard of Odds website

For a very good and free online book on blackjack, see ModernBlackjack, An Illustrated Guide to Blackjack Advantage Play, by Norman Wattenberger
For a detailed technical look at the game, see Wattenberger's How Blackjack Works