Enhancement Slot Neverwinter
Bat Swarm (Swarm) (Best in Slot) Tenser’s Transformation; If you have any questions or suggestions about our Neverwinter Barbarian Blademaster guide, please leave a comment below! More info about the Barbarian class can be found at The Neverwinter Reddit. For the latest Neverwinter news, go to the MMOCULT Neverwinter Hub. Enhancement Bonus: +2, Bonus Spell Slot: Druid Level 0 and 1, Animal Empathy +3 Created for you by Barun Silverblade in Beorunna's Well in you give him a magic sickle, Special Holy Water, and 10000 gold. Neverwinter has a LOT of companions to choose from. For DPS classes, you will want a companion that boosts your damage. Not all companions are created equally, however. This is a list of the best damage companions and some notes about using them effectively. The step you are missing is to buy 1000 zen for 10 Euro (almost the price of other mmos subscriptions) then you convert the zen into 150000 astral diamonds and buy a 'coalescent ward' on the auction house which is an item that you need for every 100% safe upgrade and i never found a single one in 400 hours playtime.
Heya friends, we assume that you already heard the news about the announcement of Neverwinter Mod 17 Uprising which has launched on 13th august 2019. There has been a lot of massive hype for Mod 17. As we know just a few months back, they have changed the entire game scenarios with Neverwinter Mod 16, so each and every player is expecting something cool, big and really worth gonna happen in next Mod.
They have done few changes in this game with Neverwinter Mod 17 Uprising and in this post we are going to highlight a most of them. We may have some missing points and pointers, we will try our best to update the entire features of Mod 17 as soon as possible. Kindly come forward and help us and all players by giving feedback in comment section to help neverwinter community more and forever. Well, lets jump into Neverwinter Mod 17 features, ups and down and lets discuss what does actually neverwinter Mod 17 gather with it.
New Story-line Neverwinter Mod 17 Uprising: As we know, they have done so many changes and updates with Neverwinter Mod 17 Uprising like New PvP Map, Appearance overhaul, New Race, New Gears, Locations, Maps, New Challenges, Master Expedition etc but as always the most effective content of Neverwinter expansion is “STORY LINE”. To face the new challenges, fight unique foes, to overcome and handle the disturbance between the gith and the illithid in undermountain, Which eventually leeds everything to new area STARDOCKS.
New Trial: ToMM – Tower of the Mad Mage: Finally we get a chance to make fight against Halaster Blackcloak. Well, we feel it as one of the most challenging contents we have ever experienced in Neverwinter history. These are few pointers you should consider before giving a try to ToMM.
- iLvL requirement is 24K iLvL to unlock and enter ToMM
- Requires 2-3 tanks; 2-3 healers; 4-6 dps as usual
- New enemy stats increases to 30k in Halaster Blackcloak,
- Halaster Blackcloak force player stats to increase to 80k and CA 130k as enemies stat rating increase by 12k.
- New trial against Halaster has most difficult mechanics of neverwinter which involves dps checks, heal checks, mandatory aggro management from tanks. (we will write a complete guide on mechanics soon)
- Lots of new gears with higher iLvL and stats drops from Halaster Blackcloak like New Artifact, Belt and Waist
- It seems even Dps Needs 370k HP to avoid the one-shot mechanics in the trial.
Halaster Blackcloak hits very hard and comes with very hard mechanics which needs 18 to 20 cross checks to crack from each kind of class. So, it’s going to be very hard for you guys inside ToMM. get ready face wraith and powerful strike of Halaster Blackcloak. 🙂
New Player Race: Gith Here you after a long wait of years there is new race called Gith in neverwinter. You will be helping Gith community in Neverwinter Mod 17 Along with that you can also be one of them by creating new character with New Player Race Gith. (or you can reroll race) More detail on unlocking Gith will be posted soon.
Appearance System: There is complete overhaul of fashion module of Neverwinter in Mod 17. There is a new appearance tab just after the character tab. Now, We can use new library of dye and colors to alter the overall look of our character. We can modify each and every piece of gear with new color combinations.
Early-Game Content Touch-ups: Love it OR Hate it but with the release of Neverwinter Mod 16 they have made neverwinter lovable for new players. Some of the vets might not agree and love the way they modify the entire game in mod 16 but previous mod did a great job to grab the attention of new players in the community. And in Neverwinter Mod 17 Uprising they just added one more step to it and retouch the early game content from core.
Protector’s Enclave Remodeling: They are saying that Lord Neverember invested more gold in Protector Enclave. We have new sky, improved texture, new overhaul designs in protector’s enclave. They have moved events area to mount area and now mount area have moved to the center of the protector’s enclave.
Notification Improvements: Simple yet effective, we have new notification setting. We can set everything up by pressing ESC key and click on Notification Setting. There you can simple tick or untick each and every option you wanna see in chat notifications e.g if you do not want to see trade notifications or lockbox notifications in chat window then you can simply disable it.
New PvP Extension: There is a new PvP map with brand new PvP Rewards + new Pvp season. PvP has been under the radar of exclusion from long time. Finally, we are going to have some new PvP additions.
- Now we can get unique rewards which includes PVE items, armor enchantments enchanting stones and mark of potency.
- We can also get 1000iLvL gears for PvP from zen store as well.
- We have brand new armor set name Arbiter Armor consists item level 1020.
- Lots of outdated and old gears have been removed from game completely.
- We have brand new PvP Arena named “Stardock Arena”.
- We have new potion for PvP exclusive and entirely dedicated to Action points. Only available and consumable in PvP maps.
One New Weapon Set: there are new artifact weapon set named Lionheart Weapon Set. It has very similar stats, iLvL and base damage as Alabaster Set. but it has a different kind of bonus
“Set Bonus”
Increases damage dealt by 5% whenever your Stamina is full. Effect decreases as Stamina decreases. Decreases Damage delt by up to 5% whenever your Stamina is empty. Effect decreases as Stamina increases
New Rings of Undermountain: Right Now, at the time of Mod 16, This game has some legendary and non legendary rings like Ring of the Shadowstalker +5 are BIS simply because of Swordsman’s Perk. In Neverwinter Mod 17 Uprising, we are going to get around 14 new ultimate and super awesome rings with the same kind of bonus with far better iLvL and stats. Some of them are below:
New Artifact: There is a new artifact set called Halaster’s Set which includes Halaster’s Blast Scepter, Tinfoil Chain of Madness and Papier-Mache Belt of Madness from the trial (ToMM)
“This set has very strange bonus “ When you stand still for 6 seconds your Damage and Movement Speed will be increased by 10% for 6 seconds”
Note: Halaster’s Set is going to talk of the town soon. As there will be lots of discussion about this set either it’s best or worst.
New Companion Gear: Well, Well, Well, Well, So they listened to the community and finally we have some crazy amount of stuff for our companions. In Neverwinter Mod 17 Uprising, we have good amount of drop for companion gears from Expeditions of Mod 17. These gears have crazy stats like 12k Combat Advantage and 1010 iLvL. There are around 36 new gears on at the time of writing mod 17 guide.
Everfrost Removal Clean-up: Finally, They have removed the everfrost stuff from game from core. They have removed everfrost damage, everfrost resistance, everfrost potions, from all gears, items and relics. Now, in Neverwinter Mod 17 game does not support everfrost stuff anymore.
There are many other things still need to check in Neverwinter Mod 17 Uprising, we haven’t checked each and every bit of stuff in detail yet e.g there are new shirts and pants of iLvL 1010, there are new lockboxes with new lucky reward chances. There is new Warden Expedition in Neverwinter Mod 17 Uprising.
We will let you know more about Neverwinter Mod 17 Uprising, Stay Tuned. Kindly drop your views in comment section and help neverwinter community. So, each and every player can help each other.
Welcome to our Barbarian Blademaster Guide, updated for Mod 18: Infernal Descent and Mod 19 Avernus.
To learn more about the new mod, check out our Mod 19 Avernus Guide.
The Barbarian Blademaster is a typical melee DPS class. They rely on strength to deliver huge blows to their enemies with their two-handed weapons. Barbarians are also some of the fastest and best solo classes in the game, as well as being sought after in groups.
This build uses much of the same gear as the Barbarian Sentinel Tank Build, so you can easily switch between the two roles.
The purpose of our class guides is not just to show you a build that you can copy and use on your character, but to show you a base build and teach you the mechanics and stats of the game, so you can understand and play your class to its fullest capabilities.
Try different gear, feats, and powers and learn to tailor your own build for your playstyle. See our guide to making your own build for more info.
Basic Barbarian Blademaster Info
Other Barbarian Builds
Best Barbarian Blademaster Races
What race you play doesn’t play a huge role, but will give a you a small boost. Generally I would advice you to play a race that you enjoy.
- Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn – 3% + Healing – +2 to Any two stats – 1500 Crit – 3% Increased Damage
- Dragonborn – 3% HP + Healing – +2 to Any two stats – 1500 Crit – 3% Increased Damage
- Tiefling – 5% + Damage to targets below 50% health – +2 Cha and +2 Con or Int – 10% to reduce damage of target for 5 sec by 2.5%
- Half-Orc – 5% Crit Severity – +2 Dex and +2 Con or Str – 10% Movement Speed for 3 sec when entering combat
Barbarian Blademaster Ability Score Priority
Put all your available Ability Scores into Strength and Dexterity. Alternatively, switch out Dexterity for Charisma.
Barbarian Blademaster Stat / Rating Priority
Offensive Stats:
- Armor Penetration (Caps at 90K)
- Critical Strike (Caps at 90k)
- Accuracy (Caps at 90k)
- Combat Advantage (Caps at 140k)
- Power (No Cap)
Defensive Stats:
- Defense (Caps at 90K )
- Deflection (Caps at 90K)
- Critical Avoidance (Caps at 95K)
- Awareness (Caps at 100K )
- Health (No Cap)
Barbarian Blademaster Paragon Path Feats, POwers & Rotation
Barbarian Blademaster Combat Powers
At-Will Powers:
- Relentless Slash (AoE)
- Brash Strike (ST)
Encounter Powers:
- Mighty Leap (AoE) / Indomitable Battle Strike (ST)
- Not so Fast (AoE) / Frenzy (ST)
- Bloodletter
Daily Powers:
- Avalanche of Steel
- Savage Advance
Class Features:
- Barbed Strikes
- Steel Blitz
Barbarian Blademaster Feats
- Mightier Leap
- Bloodspiller
- Overpenetration
- Steel Slam
- Relentless Battlerage
Barbarian Blademaster Rotation
Single Target Rotation:
Relentless Slash – Indomitable Battle Strike – Bloodletter – Frenzy – Brash Strike (until battlerage wears off) – Use Savage Advance & Mount Power when available
AoE Rotation:
Mighty Leap – Not So Fast – Relentless Slash – Bloodletter
Barbarian Blademaster Boons
You should always choose boons based on what stats you currently need. Therefore a selection of several viable boons is available to you for each tier.
At end-game, you should hit the stat caps without needing any of the boons.
Tier 1 Boons
- Recruit’s Training – 250 Power
- Critical Strike – 250 Crit
- Cultist Bulwark – 1000 HP
- Cultist Power – 1% Increased damage and damage resistance vs. Cultists.
Tier 2 Boons
- Squire’s Training – 250 Power
- Armor Penetration – 250 Armor Penetration
- Demonic Bulwark – 1000 HP
- Demonic Mastery – 1% Increased damage and damage resistance vs. demons.
Tier 3 Boons
- Knight’s Training – 250 Power
- Combat Advantage – 250 Combat Advantage
- Dino Bulwark – 1000 HP
- Simple Support – 2% Companion Influence
- Dino Power – 1% Increased damage and damage resistance vs. dinos.
Tier 4 Boons
- Captain’s Training – 250 Power
- Accuracy – 250 Accuracy
- Necrotic Bulwark – 1000 HP
- Necrotic Mastery – 1% Increased damage and damage resistance vs. undead.
Tier 5 Boons (Choose 2)
- Severe Criticism – 1% Crit Severity per rank
- Call of Power – 1% Action Point gain per rank
Master Boons
- Deathly Rage 3/3
Guild Boons
- Offense – Power
- Defense – Hit Points
Barbarian Blademaster Weapons & Gear
If you are new to Neverwinter and need to know how to get better gear and increase your item level, check out our Gearing Up Guide.
The best way to gear up in Neverwinter is by making a lot of Astral Diamonds, check out our Astral Diamond Guide to learn all the secrets of AD farming.
- Lion Guard’s Sallet
- Fancy Duelist’s Mask of Cormyr (Bosses)
- Ebonized Chainmail (Best in Slot)
- Sentinel of the Star’s Breastplate
- Spiked Defender Vambrace (Best in Slot)
- Vivified Primal Assault Bangili
- Templar of the Twilight’s Bracers
- Rusted Iron Leggings (Best in Slot)
- Celestial Set
- Lionheart Set
- Legion Guard Set
- Alabaster / Burnished Set
Main Hand Modification:
- Relentless Slash
Offhand Modifications:
- Critical Severity
- Ring of the Brutal Fiend +5
- Ring of Fallen Power +5
- Ring of the Shadowstalker +4/+5
- Bypass Gold Ring
- Striking Ring of the Veteran / Master
Neck & Waist

- Dark Remnant’s Set (Book of Vile Darkness, Whip of Erinyes, The Engine Master’s Mantle)
- Orcus Set (Demogorgon’s Girdle of Might, Baphomet’s Infernal Talisman)
- Ebony Stained Shirt (Best in Slot)
- Pants of the Sentinel
- Infernal Trousers
Barbarian Blademaster Artifacts
Primary Artifact
- Envenomed Storyteller’s Journal
- Wyvern-Venom Coated Knives
- Decanter of Atropal Essence
Secondary Artifacts
Choose secondary artifacts based on the stats you are lacking.
Choose 3 Storyteller’s Journals for the bonus
- Frozen Storyteller’s Journal
- Flayed Storyteller’s Journal
- Darkened Storyteller’s Journal
Other Choices
- Arcturia’s Music Box
- Trobriands Ring
- Staff of Flowers
- Halaster’s Blast Scepter
- Shard of Orcus’ Wand
Barbarian Blademaster Enchantments
When getting enchantments, always get the ones with the stats you are lacking in with your gear, boons, etc in mind.
For example, if you’ve capped Crit with your gear and boons, don’t get azure enchantments for your offense slots.
If you still need to refine your enchantments, see our Refinement Guide for tips on how to farm refinement.
Offense Enchantments
- One Tenebrous Enchantment
- Radiant Enchantments
Defense Enchantments
- Radiant Enchantment
Utility Enchantments
- Dark Enchantment
- Tactical
- Fey’s Blessing / Dragon’s Hoard / Quartermaster’s Enchantment
Armor Enchantments
- Elven Battle Enchantment
- Barkshield Enchantment
- Shadowclad Enchantment
Weapon Enchantments
- Bilethorn or Vorpal Enchantment (ST)
- Lightning (AoE)
Overload Enchantments
- Various Marks from Stronghold Vendor
- Corrupt Black Ice / Lethal / Piercing
- Black / Red Dragon Glyph
Armor Reinforcement Kits
- Power Kit
Jewelry Reinforcement Kits
- Combat Advantage Jewel
Barbarian Blademaster Consumables & Buffs
Consider getting VIP for the Power of VIP HP buff if you aren’t already. Also always stand in campfires to get the +1 ability campfire buff.
Get one from each of the rows below:
- Empowered Chain of Scales (Best in Slot) > Adorable Pocket Pet > Tymora’s Lucky Coin
- Wild Storm Elixir > Elixir of Fate
- Squash Soup > Watermelon Sorbet
Barbarian Blademaster Companions
Summoned Companion
The most important thing to consider for a summoned compaion is to get a Augment Compaion. There are a bunch to choose from, some have more useful powers than others.
- Bulette Pup
- Deepcrow Hatchling
- Owlbear Cub
- Ioun Stones
- Quasit
Enchantment Power
- Potent Precision
Companion Powers
Below is a selection of viable companion powers.
Offense Powers
- Tamed Velociraptor – 2000 Power per party member using it.
- Staldorf – 8000 Combat advantage
- Deepcrow Hatchling – 8000 Power
- Batiri – 4% Damage against bosses
Defense Powers
- Minstrel – 4000 Power and 2000 Awareness
- Broom – 4% Critical Severity
- Ioun Stone of Allure – 2000 Power, 10% Incoming Healing
- Splinters – 4% Critical Severity and 2000 Critical Avoidance
- Green Slime – 8000 Defense
- Phase Spider – 2000 Critical strike and 4000 combat advantage
Utility Powers
- Alpha Compy – 5% Power
- Owlbear Cub – 10% chance to hit for 50% of you Power
Companion Equipment
Weapon Enhancement Slot Neverwinter
Double offense slotted “Of the Companion” gear
Companion Runestones
Neverwinter Weapon Enhancement Slot
- Empowered Runestone
Barbarian Blademaster Mounts
When choosing a Legendary Mount for the Mount Powers, look for a mount that has both a useful equip and combat power. The best choice for a first legendary mount as a Barbarian Blademaster is a Swarm.
What other mounts you use is not that important. What is important is to get the right insignia bonuses, and many different mounts can offer the various bonuses. To find out what mount has the bonus you want, check out our Insignia Bonus Guide.
Mount Insignia Bonuses
All classes and specs should consider using Wanderer’s Fortune and or Traveler’s Treasures before you have refined all your gear and enchantments, for extra refinement every day.
Insignia bonuses are mostly down to preference. Some boost damage a bit, and some boost survivability, while others add utility.
Armor Enhancement Slot Neverwinter

- Cavalry’s Warning
- Combatant’s Maneuver
- Artificer’s Persuasion
- Gladiator’s Guile
- Survivor’s Gift
- Survivor’s Blessing
- Barbarian’s Revelry
Insignia Type
Armor Enhancement Slot Neverwinter
Brutality / Dominance for Power, or alternatively any other with stats you need. You can also use Insignia’s to get your defensive stats to cap for survivability.
Barbarian Blademaster Mount Powers
Mount Equip Power:
5000 or 10000 Power
Mount Combat Power:
- Bat Swarm (Swarm) (Best in Slot)
- Tenser’s Transformation
If you have any questions or suggestions about our Neverwinter Barbarian Blademaster guide, please leave a comment below! More info about the Barbarian class can be found at The Neverwinter Reddit.
For the latest Neverwinter news, go to the MMOCULT Neverwinter Hub.