Inventory Slots Osrs
This is another Fire Cape OSRS video guide. This guide is for people who have not done Fight Caves before. It is recommended to have at least 70 Ranged, 43 Prayer if it’s your first time to do the Fight Caves. There is cheap OSRS gold for sale for you to reach the required levels fast. The empty inventory screen. The inventory or backpack is where the player carries items that cannot be or are not equipped. A player's backpack inventory can hold up to 28 items, and any additional items must be stored in the player's bank. I got to 42 inventory slots thinking that was the max number of slots seeing as the achievement is called 'Fully loaded', but the other day i was doing one of the claptrap repair quests during my second playthrough and it gave me one of the items to increase my inventory space. Your inventory always holds 28 items, there is no way to make it bigger. You can summon a beast of burden, which has it's own inventory. The beasts of burden are: Thorny snail (3 inventory spaces) Spirit kalphite (6 inventory spaces) Bull ant (9 inventory spaces) Spirit terrorbird (12 inventory spaces) War tortoise (18 inventory spaces).
Are you excited to blaze a trail across Gielinor, forging your own path, beset by danger and peril on all sides? You are? Then you’ll be even more excited to vote for the amazing rewards which await you in Leagues II – Trailblazer!
As you complete tasks in Old School RuneScape Leagues, you’ll earn League Points that can be exchanged for prizes in the League Reward Store back in the main game.
Just like the Twisted League rewards of yore, these items will be purely cosmetic and tradeable, unless otherwise stated. The point values listed below are calculated under the assumption that all rewards pass the poll – should any fail, we may have to readjust the difference between point costs to make things fair.
- The Trailblazer Dragon Skilling Tools Ornament Kit will now apply to infernal tool versions in addition to regular dragon ones.
Alright, now that’s out of the way, shall we have a look at the goods?
Trailblazer Relic Hunter Outfit
The Relic Hunter outfit gets a Trailblazer twist! Should this game-changing getup pass the polls, you can use your League Points to unlock not one, not two, but THREE tiers of fashionscape-y goodness. Each tier will be exponentially more expensive than the last, so if you’re strutting around in Tier 3 everyone will know that you’re a Leagues master. Just sayin’.
All three tiers will be tradeable and storable in the Player Owned House.
Should the Trailblazer Relic Hunter Outfit, a cosmetic armour described in the blog, be added to the Leagues Reward Shop? This will consist of three tiers of cosmetic outfits that represent the League.
Trailblazer Themed Banner
Show your support for your favourite League (so far) with this themed banner! If you don't fancy using up a main-hand slot, this item can also be proudly displayed in your Player Owned House - although you'll have to keep reading to find out how!
This item would cost a relatively low amount of points.
Should the Trailblazer League Themed Banner, as described in the blog, be added to the Leagues Reward Shop? This item will be like the Twisted League banner and held in the main-hand slot.
Trailblazer Home Teleport Animation
Once you’re done jet-setting all over Gielinor, won’t it be nice to click that friendly blue circle and head back home? And wouldn’t it be even nicer if you had a funky home teleport animation to do it with?
Well you’re in luck, ‘cause that’s what this little scroll will teach you to do! Once you’ve learned the trick, your home teleports will look a little different. Instead of drawing a chalk circle, you’ll draw a compass, and before you know it you’ll be swept back home in a dramatic sandstorm. Finnish trance soundtrack not included.
This wondrous ability costs a relatively low amount of points – a real bargain, if you ask us!
Should the Trailblazer League Home Teleport Animation, as described in the blog, be added to the Leagues Reward Store?
Trailblazer Dragon Skilling Tools Ornament Kit
Look, we know. Dragon tools look very cool already. But you know what’s cooler than being cool? Having an awesome Trailblazer League themed version of those same Dragon tools!
This ornament kit will change the appearance of a Dragon Pickaxe, Dragon Axe or Dragon Harpoon, including their infernal versions, to globetrotting Trailblazer League theme. One kit will cover you for exactly one tool – if you want to decorate all three, you’ll need three kits!
Should you decide you’d rather go back to that good old pointy red aesthetic, you can revert the tools at any time to retrieve the kit.
Each kit will set you back a medium amount of points.
Should the Trailblazer League Skilling Tool Upgrade Kit, as described in the blog, be added to the Leagues Reward Store? Each kit will allow the player to add a Trailblazer theme to their Dragon Pickaxe, Dragon Axe or Dragon Harpoon.This will also apply to the infernal tool versions.
Trailblazer Graceful Set Ornament Kit
We know you love running everywhere, so you may as well be doing it in this all-new Trailblazer-themed Graceful Set Ornament Kit. You’ll look flashier than ever before as you parkour around Gielinor’s rooftops. You can even dye right over any previously recoloured pieces!
This reward costs a relatively high amount of points, but you’ll get a pack of six kits, one for each piece of the Graceful Set. Should you decide that you’d like to go back to basics after all, you can revert the colour, and your Graceful Set will return to the default colour.
Should the Trailblazer Graceful Set Ornament Kit, as described in the blog, be added to the League Reward Store? This six-pack of kits will allow you to add a Trailblazer theme to any and all parts of your Graceful Set.
Player Owned House League Room
Way back when we pitched Twisted League, we mentioned that we wanted players to be able to build a League Room in their Player Owned House where they can proudly display their hard-earned trophies.
The room in question will require 27 Construction to build and costs 15,000 GP. It will contain the following hotspots:
- Trophy pedestals: Display up to three League Trophies at once.
- Trophy storage case: A storage unit that holds and displays all the trophies you have stored in it, and none of the ones you don’t.
- Decorative rug: A large rug that covers the floor and acts independently of other rug hotspots in the house.
- Decorative statue: A statue that showcases various League themes.
- Accomplishment scroll: A wall mount similar to the Quest List in the Achievement Gallery. Displays various League achievements, including the top 100 players in each League by League Points (including Twisted League), all the League Firsts and who obtained them, and a record of your own personal performance in each League.
- Banner stand: Displays any League Banner.
- Relic Hunter Outfit stand: Displays your choice of Relic Hunter Outfits, of any tier. If a Tier 3 Relic Hunter Outfit is displayed, it will allow players to use the Relic Unlock animation from the relevant League through the Emote interface.
You’ll find something to build in each hotspot regardless of how many League rewards you’ve purchased, so housebuilders of all stripes will be able to enjoy the room.
Should we add a League Trophy Room to the Player Owned House, as described in the blog? It will require 27 Construction and 15,000 GP to build. If this question does not pass, players will still be able to store League Trophies in the Toy Box.

While concepting this room, we realised that it could use some additional items to make it feel more homely. In addition to the main game rewards listed above, we are also offering the following rewards for Leagues II – Trailblazer.
Trailblazer Player Owned House Globe Statue
An elegant globe with a map of Gielinor emblazoned across the front. This superb sphere will round out your League Trophy Room nicely and fits right into the statue space. Removing the Globe from the space will return it to your Inventory.
The Globe would cost a medium amount of points from the Leagues Reward Store.
If Question 6 passes, should a Trailblazer Globe Statue be made available in the Leagues Reward Store? It could be displayed in the League Trophy Room in the Player Owned House.
Trailblazer Rug
Relive your travels around Gielinor with this map-shaped rug – it really brings the room together! The Trailblazer Rug will, of course, fit into the rug space of the League Trophy Room in your Player Owned House. Should you choose to swap it out with something else, you’ll get the rug back safe and sound.
Just a note – this rug is different from the other ones in your Player Owned House. If you change it, it won’t affect hotspots in the rest of the house.
The Trailblazer Rug will cost a relatively high amount of points.
If Question 6 passes, should a Trailblazer themed rug, as described in the blog, be added to the League Reward Store?
As a reminder, if you have League Points left over from the previous League, you will still be able to use them to purchase any rewards you choose from the Reward Store – including those from the Twisted League!
League Trophies
We’ve heard your concerns regarding a trophy for the Top 100 in the Trailblazer League. With that in mind, we’ve decided to remove this from the concept for the time being. We know the dedicated players of the League want to be rewarded for their efforts, and we want to give them something to strive for after unlocking every reward, but equally, we want to get the design right. We want a reward that lets you show that you're one of the very best players, but with fairer criteria than play time alone.
With that said, we will be sticking with the original trophy thresholds as seen in Twisted League and the percentage bracket-based reward system for now.
These cosmetic and wieldable trophies will represent the tier you placed in. The tiers are listed below:

Tier | Threshold |
Bronze | Minimum point threshold |
Iron | Top 80% |
Steel | Top 60% |
Mithril | Top 40% |
Adamant | Top 20% |
Rune | Top 5% |
Dragon | Top 1% |
Unlike other League rewards these trophies will not be tradeable. Their purpose is to show off your skill and dedication to the League, so it wouldn’t be fair if just anyone could get them!

Held in the off-hand slot (aside from Dragon, Rune and Adamant, which are two-handed), these trophies will have a unique emote that you can access by right clicking them.
As always, we welcome your thoughts on this poll blog, and we’ll be making adjustments as feedback rolls in. Check the changelist at the top of this blog for the latest updates!
Discuss this blog on our official forums, the community-led 2007Scape Reddit, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the #leagues channel. For reference on the above content, check out the official Wiki.
Mods Acorn, Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Banjo, Boko, Bonsai, Bruno, Curse, Deagle, Ed, Elena, Errol, Fed, Flippy, Gayns, Gee, Halo, Husky, Impact, Jndr, John C, Kandosii, Kieren, Lenny, Lottie, Lyric, Mack, Maylea, MikeD, Nasty, Nin, Oasis, Roq, Ry, Squid, Steve W, Sween, Tide, Vegard, Weath & West
The Old School Team
Since Zulrah wasnerfed, many veteran players started to consider Vorkath to be the new replacement as the steadiest combat-basedmoney maker. While it has significantly higher requirements to reach, it ismuch more rewarding than most solo monsters in Runescape. In this OSRS Vorkath guide, youwill gain invaluable insights about this boss so you can farm him for much-neededgold.
What do I need to knowabout Vorkath?
DragonSlayer 2 is the barrierbetween you and farming this massively overpowered boss. Since it’s considered an end-game quest, the requirementsare quite steep and only a small percentage of Runescape players have successfullycompleted it. Assuming you have high stats & good gear, you can easily makeover 3 million gold per hour in profit!
Some of its requirements include:
- 200 quest points
- 68 mining
- 70 smithing
- 75 magic
- High melee stats
Once the quest is completed, you will be able to repeatthe Vorkath boss fight with no limitations. Once you hit 50 kill count, you canfinally upgrade your Ava’s Accumulator for the best cape slot in Range.
Vorkath is not considered a safe boss fight so Hardcore Ironmen will lose their statusif killed. If a man is killed, you may simply go back and retrieve your itemsat the starting point.
Gearing Up
The most common way to kill Vorkath is with range, and nothing beats the Dragon Hunter Crossbow due to its 20% damage and accuracy bonus. This also stacks with an imbued Salve Amulet and a full void set, although using Armadyls armor would be slightly better.
This is what your gearshould look like for an optimal trip:
- Weapon: Dragon HunterCrossbow
- Shield: DragonfireWard
- Ammo: Enchanted RubyDragon Bolts
- Helmet: Elite Void orArmadyls
- Body: Elite VoidRanger helm or Armadyls
- Legs: Elite Void orArmadyls
- Gloves: Barrows Glovesor Void Knight Gauntlets
- Amulet: Fury or SalveAmulet imbued
- Ring: Imbued Archer’sRing
- Boots: Pegasian Bootsor Blessed Dragonhide
Inventory Setup:
- 1 Anti-venom+ (noexceptions)
- At least 3 prayerpotions
- 1 Extended Superantifire
- 1 Bastion Potion
- High healing food(like sharks or manta ray)
- 1-click teleport(Fremmenik boots would work)
- Runes for CrumbleUndead
- A Bandos Godsword Forlowering defense (the best choice)
- A bone crossbow forlowering defense (the budget choice)
- A Saradomin Sword forhealing (optional)
- A Dragon Warhammer forlowering defense (optional)
- An ancient mace forleeching prayer points (also optional)
Fighting Vorkath
Before the fight evenbegins, you need to hit Vorkath with the special attack of choice. This couldbe the Dragon Warhammer to lower hisdefense, the Bone Crossbow as abudget option (not recommended), or an ancientmace to restore your prayer from a previous battle. Considering that the first special attack may determinethe outcome of the fight, you should go into every engagement with a full bar.Be sure to have Protect from Magic active to mitigate initial damageas you engage the fight.
Now that the fight isactive, there are multiple attacks to be aware of:
- A fire attack like aregular dragon. It may be negated by an antifire potion or shield.
- Inflicts venomousDragonfire if no anti-venom is used.
- A Dragonfire attackthat disables a players prayer. Be sure to have your quick prayers set.
- A vertical Dragonfirethat needs to be dodged or it is usually instant death for the player.
- A melee swipe if theplayer gets too close.
- A blue magic spellthat can be blocked by Protect From Magic.
- A spiked projectilethat can be blocked by Protect From Missles.
There is a phase in the fight where players need toavoid pools of poison while avoiding a barrage of Vorkath’s Fire. It’s up toyou to find a movement pattern that goes in a back and forth line as you needto constantly undulate to avoid damage.
There is a trick discovered by Woox that allows you to click on Vorkath and your current tile tobe able to deal some damage while avoiding the fire. The ticks have to beperfect for this trick and it’s even harder with a crossbow.
Another notable event that happens periodically is whenVorkath summons a Zombified Spawn that attempts to get near the player. You will have to cast Crumble Undead on this spawn or else itwill explode and cause an insane amount of damage.
The idea is to keep up with range attacks between ticksor phases as it is about making your supplies last until Vorkath is dead. Ifyou have trouble switching prayers between attacks, you are better off camping Protect From Missles if you have ashield or Protect From Magic with a2-handed weapon.
Between each fight, you should grab the loot, teleportto your house, recover in your pool and then bank and re-gear. If you haveexcess food and a full special attack bar after a kill, you can simply click onVorkath to re-awaken him for a fresh fight. Multi-kill trips are better leftfor skilled players, though.
Can I Melee Vorkath?
Due to the mechanics of the boss, it isn’t a good ideato melee Vorkath. This is due to the mobility of the fight, and you would be slightlylimited when trying to get back into melee range.
Jad Inventory Osrs
With that being said, using a Dragon Hunter Lance would be the only decent weapon to go upagainst him. Not only does it have a strong stab attack, but it also has a 20%damage and accuracy boost against this boss. Combinethis with the strongest strength bonus you can afford, you can get up to 30kills an hour.
Wrapping Up
Slot Table Osrs
Vorkath is considered to be one of the best and mostconsistent money makers in the game, which is probably why it has high requirements.But thanks to this handy OSRS Vorkath Guide, youshould have a better understanding of this boss and it’s a matter of practiceto efficiently farm it!